Maggiori informazioni circa il nostro uso di cookie.

Un “cookie” è un piccolo file di testo che contiene informazioni e viene memorizzato nel computer dell'utente. Cookies sono usati esclusivamente per ragioni tecniche e per facilitare l’uso del sito internet. Un tipo di Cookie salva in modo permanente un file sul computer dell’utente e, perciò, può essere usato per personalizzare questo sito sulla base delle scelte e degli interessi dell’utente.
Un altro comune tipo di cookie è il “cookie di sessione”. Quando si visita una pagina Internet, i cookie di sessione vengono scambiati dal computer dell’utente al server per accedere ad informazioni specifiche. I cookie di sessione sono temporanei. Per maggiori informazioni sui cookie

1 - You can restrict or block cookies by changing your browser’s settings.

Previously stored cookies can also be deleted through the web browser. More information can be found through your web browser’s support pages. Please note that certain areas and functions on this website require cookies and may not function if cookies are deleted or declined.

2 - We are continuously working to improve our digital services and websites

In order to do this we use Google Analytics and Piwik to analyse our users’ behaviour on an anonymous and aggregated level. We also allow our web analytics tools, Google Analytics and Piwik, to place and manage cookies on this website. The cookies are placed by Google Analytics and Piwik to log data about visits and visitors of this website. The statistics are used to improve the user experience of this website.
If you do not wish to accept cookies you can change your web browser’s settings to automatically deny the storage of cookies or to inform you when a website wants to store cookies on your computer. Previously stored cookies can also be deleted through the web browser. More information can be found through your web browser’s support pages. Please note that certain areas and functions on this website require cookies and may not function if cookies are deleted or declined.
For more information regarding the cookies used on this website please contact us at